During his acceptance of the Kastellorizian of the Year Award, 2015, Mr George Pappas, centre, flanked by his wife, and the KAV President, Dr Nick Lolatgis, announced his intention to establish the scholarship.
Kastellorizian of the Year, 2015, Mr George Pappas, Chancellor Victoria University, has endowed a new scholarship from 2016 for a student of Kastellorizian descent to attend Victoria University. Mr Pappas made his decision to establish the new scholarship as a way of giving something back to the Kastellorizian community, to honour his parents and to provide others with the opportunity to further their education. The scholarship provides financial support of $5000 for the first year of study for a year 12 school leaver undertaking an undergraduate degree for the first time. Applications are through the Victoria University’s Scholarship Office.
Following the generosity of George Pappas, in establishing the Pappas Family Kastellorizian Scholarship at Victoria University, the KAV has now donated $5000 to the Victoria University as a contribution to the Trust that will endow the scholarship.