Advancement of Education

The KAV supports and undertakes a number of projects that endeavour to advance education among those in Australia (through the provision of free educational seminars and cultural events), as well as improve educational outcomes for youth in Kastellorizo.

Changing the Life of One Child 2021-2023

This is KAV’s sustained effort to provide mentorship and career counselling for youth in Kastellorizo over a 3-year commitment. The project is organised by THI Australia in conjunction with The Tipping Point.

Support for Santrape School, Kastellorizo

The KAV has donated directly to Santrape School to enrich the wellbeing of children studying there; such as a donation of a new tennis table to ensure access to one of the few exercise activities available to kids.

Kazzie Connect & E-Bulletin

Our free, online Kazzie Connect sessions feature special guest speakers and interviewers from the Kastellorizian community on various educational topics of interest to young and old; often serving to highlight amazing careers, Kazzie histories and historic figures, the hard work of community figures and non-profit groups, financial topics and health (such as IVF). Our regular e-bulletin keeps Australian Kastellorizians informed on cultural, historical and environmental topics relevant to Kazzies.

Seminar Series

The KAV also sponsors educational seminars by Greek/Kastellorizian academics and researchers, through the Greek Community of Melbourne's Greek History and Culture Seminars program, which is free for online and in-person attendees. Details of upcoming seminars are emailed to those on our mailing list.